Hopefully the cold snap is over for a while. Last week was brutal. The fishing slowed during the cold snap but
it is already improving since the really cold temps and high winds have
passed. This next weekend sounds
wonderful, temps in the 30’s. The fish
should really be popping. I think this
is one weekend out of the whole winter where you should be fishing.
As I said, this last weekend started slowly after Thursday
night’s Arctic Blast with hurricane winds.
The fish were there on the cameras and vexilars, but the fish were just
looking. As the weekend went on, they
started getting more active. Saturday
night was better than Friday. Quite a
few nice walleyes up to 28 ½ “ were caught, with a lot of 2013 year class
also. It was also a weekend for big
northern as our pictures show. The
number of perch were down some, as you might expect with the cold snap, but
size was very good. I expect this next
weekend to be one of the best so far with the warm temps coming.
Our roads are in great shape, we are getting them all
cleared good and wide after all the wind.
No bridges are out but as you
know that can change. Have a few rental
houses left for this weekend and also remember, we honor our mid-week special
(1/2 price) for MLK day on Monday. The
weather is supposed to be nice so bring the kids up and celebrate a day off of
school on the ice.